How To Remove Spring Noise From Your SpeedCube.

How To Remove Spring Noise From Your SpeedCube.

What is Spring Noise?

The spring noise in your speed cube occurs when the spring inside the centerpiece rubs against the screw, creating friction. This friction often results in a scratchy or metallic noise when you turn your puzzle.

How to fix the spring noise.

Sometimes when you purchase a speedcube (mostly the Moyu RS3 M 2020) right as you open the box and turn the puzzle you hear a scratchy noise which can be really irritating. 

Instead of just dealing with this annoying noise you can surprisingly fix this problem. If you have a speed cube lubricant lying around go ahead and take your lube of choice. (Do not use the Stardust lubricant it will rust your springs and screws), but you can use it to normally lube your puzzle. So grab your lubricant, take off the center cap on the side with spring noise, and put 4-6 drops of lube into the spring mechanism. When to do that make sure to turn the side about 20-30 times to get the lube applied evenly. 

Spring noise not gone fully?

Spring noise can never fully be gone, but it can be dampened through this process. if the spring noise is not gone, do not be angry, but if you want to be safe just put 1-2 more drops of lube into the centerpiece and now you’re good! 

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